• Philippe Petit: It's impossible, that's sure. So let's start working. Philippe Petit:完全有可能,那是真的,所以我们就放手去做吧。
  • Philippe Petit: If I die, what a beautiful death! Philippe Petit:如果我死了,将会是一次多么美妙的死亡啊!
  • Philippe Petit: To me, it's really so simple, that life should be lived on the edge. You have to exercise rebellion. To refuse to tape yourself to the rules, to refuse your own success, to refuse to repeat yourself, to see every day, every year, every idea as a true challenge. Then you will live your life on the tightrope. Philippe Petit:对于我而言,这真的很简单,生命就应该活在边缘。你必须训练自己去反抗,拒绝将自己限制在条条框框里,拒绝属于自己的成功,拒绝重复自己,视每一天,每一年,每一个想法都是真实的挑战。那么你就会让自己的生活置于拉紧的绳索之上。
  • Annie Allix: He courted me... and then my life was all about him. It was as if I had no destiny of my own... I was following his destiny. Alan Welner:他追了我……然后我的生命的全部都是他。就好像我再也没有了自己的命运了一样,我一直在跟随着他的命运。