猫眼电影 > 智利:问题的星系


Chile, una galaxia de problemas
纪录片 / 短片
2010智利上映 / 33分钟

Chile: A Galaxy of Problems: Guzman focuses in on the half-repressed ghost of Chile`s 1973 military coup d`état, pointing his camera toward psychologists, historians, economists, engineers, and, most disturbingly, a former high military official (the Chilean military has, in Guzman`s view, been complicit in a coercive conspiracy of silence in the decades since the coup) in order to shed some light on the reluctance in Chile to face head-on the many unanswered questions raised by the past. For the short`s most stark example of why this convenient amnesia has been harmful, a lawyer cites a statistic that only 40% of those victimized under Pinochet have had the crimes against them redressed.

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