猫眼电影 > Out of View
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Out of View

2016爱尔兰上映 / 100分钟

Samanta is twenty-two, homeless and already a master of living on the streets. Well wizened in the art of surviving life on the streets, she gets though life day-by-day, begging to eat, refusing all state help on principle and even being a car park attendant for Saturday evening mass. She does not drink, well not for the last four years anyhow. Wise and organised she lives in a derelict building, showers in a fast food restaurant, washes her clothes in a local launderette, eats in the Homeless Mission kitchen and is well known in the homeless community. Glimmers of her previous life, although hidden, impinge and influence her daily existence. No matter how well organised many dangers exist for a young woman living on the streets and a simple occurrence can quickly unravel a life into disaster when you live on the margins of society. Unexpectedly, losing her "home" to redevelopment starts a downward spiral in Samanta's fortunes. A bullying homeless man looking for a cut of her earnings...

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