猫眼电影 > 晴朗的天空


2012中国大陆上映 / 72分钟

在蒙古高原上,格日圖家抗擊著飛雪為駱駝剪駝毛、接生牛犢,餵養初生犢駝糕和羊羔,還要解決著由於煤田的開採所帶來的不便。初夏,格日圖一家賣掉了大部分的羊羔和牛,這就是他家一年的收益。弟弟寶音在為礦區出讓了草原之後從牧區來到了城鎮生活,他把馬帶到城裡的旅遊點經營旅遊生意,甚至要在房地產方面進行投資。一年一度的草原文化節開始了,哥哥家參加了賽馬,寶音和夥伴們為觀眾表演了馬術。 為了經濟的騰飛卻要把原本優質的牧場變成一個又一個的露天煤礦,以畜牧為生的牧民在煤礦的夾縫中尋找著自己生存的空間。 In the highlands of Mongolia, against the harsh snow, the Gerituan family still tend to their camels, birth the calves, feed the livestock, and now, overcome the challenges presented by new coalmines. Each summer, the Gerituan family sells most of their livestock and makes that year’s earnings. After forking over his land for the coalmines, brother Bao-ying moves to the city with his horse and earns a living as a tour guide. He’s even considering investing in real estate. The annual Prairie Festival is about to start and the older brother enters into a horse race. Bao-ying and friends will entertain the crowd with horsemanship. 2013年 入圍第37屆香港國際電影節親愛的地球單元 2013年 入圍雲之南紀錄影像展競賽單元

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