猫眼电影 > the witness(A Tribe of Heart Documentary)
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the witness(A Tribe of Heart Documentary)


一个来自布鲁克林区的建筑工程承包商是怎样成为一个充满热情的动物代言人的? 在这部获奖纪录片《证人》中,艾迪·拉玛讲述了在自己有生之年的大部分时间里,他曾是怎样害怕和躲避动物,直到一只小猫的爱打开了他的心,激励他去救助被遗弃的动物们,并把他关于仁慈和同情的信息带到纽约的条条街道。带着幽默和真诚,艾迪讲述了关于他在觉知上产生卓越转变的故事。 How does a construction contractor from a tough Brooklyn neighborhood become an impassioned animal advocate? In the award-winning documentary THE WITNESS, Eddie Lama explains how he feared and avoided animals for most of his life, until the love of a kitten opened his heart, inspiring him to rescue abandoned animals and bring his message of compassion to the streets of New York. With humor and sincerity, Eddie tells the story of his remarkable change in consciousness.

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