猫眼电影 > Un type bien
Un type bien海报封面图

Un type bien

1991-08-28法国上映 / 90分钟
IMDb 6.3

Tonton (aged 59, with a weak heart), drives his taxi by day. By night, his nephew Jules takes the wheel. They adore each other. This evening, however, Tonton is celebrating his sixtieth birthday in the bar on the corner; for the first time ever, Jules misses the celebration. Tonton doesn't hold it against him though, since Jules -30 and still a virgin- has at last fallen for a woman. The night before she fell asleep in his cab. Not wanting to wake her, the young man left the meter running and dropped off in turn. By dawn, the beautiful passenger had fled without leaving an address...and without paying the bill.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900