猫眼电影 > 炮弹休克症



Tom was a soldier, a British veteran of an anonymous war from the 1990`s. Whilst serving, soldiers under his command were separated from the rest of his patrol and ambushed. His search for them leads him to a traumatized soldier, shaken and confused by something he has seen inside a farm Building. Tom enters the building. What happened in there will haunt him forever. He returns a decorated hero but he can`t forget. Unable to handle his life and family in the UK, Tom now lives a nomadic existence, his search for isolation leading him to Tokyo. But wherever he goes, whatever he does he`s haunted by the evil images of that day. Amongst the debris of his life he meets Asami, a Japanese woman. Disillusioned she is an outsider in her own country because of her mixed race, and her job in a Love Hotel shop. Tom realizes this maybe a chance of salvation, and his spirits raise when she accepts his invitation for a date.

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