猫眼电影 > The Black Circle
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The Black Circle

1919-10-20美国上映 / 50分钟

Andrew MacTavish Ferguson and Lucy Baird, reporters for a New York newspaper, trade assignments. Both are fired when Lucy's article, written by Andy, criticizes the political party backing the paper. They go to her home, the Southern town of Bradford, where her father Daniel, about to run for sheriff, hires them to edit his newspaper. When they expose a gang of liquor smugglers, the mysterious Black Riders, already responsible for the deaths of two reformers, send Daniel and Andrew notes with black circles drawn on them, symbolizing death. Although Daniel's home and office are ransacked and his character is attacked, he wins the election, then arrests the gang after they capture Andy. Among the gang is the previous sheriff, Jacob Ackerman, who accuses prosecuting attorney Philip Parker of being the real leader. This is confirmed when Andy's visiting Aunt Janet recognizes Parker as the ex-president of a swindling mining company. Later, she advises Andy to marry Lucy, which he does.

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