猫眼电影 > 言者无疆


Silenced Voices
2012-05-15挪威上映 / 60分钟

《言者无疆——斯里兰卡流亡记者记实录》是一部关于言论和新闻自由的纪录片。它通过大量事实,展现了几个斯里兰卡记者为了将真相公之于众,甘愿牺牲自我的无畏。该纪录片通过拍摄者与流亡记者们之间的故事,讲述了这些记者们在国内媒体界被封杀,甚至连生命安全也无法保障的遭遇。这一切只是因为他们披露了政府军在内战中犯下的战争罪,抨击了军队肆无忌惮屠杀平民的恶行,批判了政府的腐败。记者们认为这些都是本届政府的过失。在最近几年,斯里兰卡被评为亚洲最没有言论自由权的国家。许多敢于讲真话的记者都无故失踪或者被虐待致死。有近50名媒体工作者已经逃离了这个国家。 导演小传 Beate Arnestad出生于1957年。她在挪威广播公司有长达二十年的娱乐和文化节目制片经验。她曾在埃及、土耳其、印度、中国、新加坡、泰国、美国、欧洲等众多国家工作。她的第一部纪录片拍摄于2002年—《在那海浪歌唱的地方》,该影片讲述的故事发生在早已被世人遗忘的前丹麦-挪威殖民地——特尔巴奎(现属印度)。主人公是一位当地的前任总督,同时也是一名画家。2003年到2006年,她定居在斯里兰卡,这期间她开始思考女性在战争中的地位,并制作了她的第二部获奖纪录片《我的恐怖主义女儿》(2007)。2010年,她的第三部纪录片《在阿鲁沙讲述真相》上映,该影片记录了在卢旺达大屠杀之后,挪威特别法庭对大屠杀真相的阐述,辅以在贺米斯达神父的审判中,出现的说法。为观众全方位呈现了卢旺达大屠杀的真相。 Silenced Voices – Tales of Sri Lankan Journalists in Exile is a film of freedom of speech and the mes-sengers of truth to portray how much individuals are willing to offer to bring information to light. The film is told as a personal encounter with exiled journalists from Sri Lanka who have been “silenced” and almost killed in their home country because they exposed war crimes, corruption and massacres of civilians. They claim these crimes are being committed by the state. Sri Lanka is ranking one of the worst countries in Asia with respect to freedom of expression. In the past years, many have disappeared or are found tortured and killed. Close to 50 media workers have recently fled the country. Director Bio Beate Arnestad (b. 1957) has more than twenty years of experience working at the Norwegian Broad-casting Company (NRK), where she has produced and directed entertainment and cultural pro-grammes. She has worked in Egypt, Turkey, India, China, Singapore, Thailand, USA and various coun-tries in Europe. She made her debut as a documentary filmmaker with Where the waves sing in 2002, tracing the life of a former painter and governor in the forgotten Danish-Norwegian colony Tranquebar in India. While living in Sri Lanka from 2003 to 2006, she started exploring the concept of women in war, which turned into her award-winning second documentary My daughter the terrorist (2007). In 2010 she premiered her third full documentary, Telling truths in Arusha, focusing on various accounts of the Rwanda genocide during the trial of Father Hormisdas, and the Norwegian judge of the tribunals interpretations of these varying accounts.

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