北京的早晨,一群二十歲出頭的年輕人,擠在天通苑社區的一間公寓裏,面對電腦開始一整天的奮戰——打網路遊戲。這裏不是網吧,也不是他們的家,而是一間以打遊戲金幣和代練遊戲盈利的私人工作室。 除夕當天,老闆們依依不捨地回家,員工們大多留在宿舍,他們象徵性地吃了一頓年夜飯便迫不及待地出門——去網吧過年。這一晚,中國人都團聚在家,唯有他們的身影穿梭在高樓林立的大型社區中。張燈結綵的門窗,轟鳴的鞭炮,綻放的煙花,他們視若無睹,彷彿不屬於這個世界…… 半年後,由於遊戲幣價格下跌和市場不受規範,工作室關門大吉。老闆們把工作室整理成宿舍,準備繼續合租這間房子,直到他們分頭找到真正的工作。 One morning in Beijing, a group of young people in their early 20's are crammed in a flat in Tiantongyuan Community. They are just started their battle of the day, a battle of online games. Here is neither an internet café nor home to anyone of them. This place is a private studio that makes a profit by winning for others the golden coins and profits in computer games. They don't know much about each other, and can't be bothered to know.
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