猫眼电影 > 爱的奇迹:小小人


little man

有时,最大的爱就来自家庭本身。本片讲述了一个真实故事,一个早产儿是如何在家庭的呵护下存活并成长起来的。尼古拉斯在母亲怀胎100天时就出生了,只有1磅重,能够存活下来的机率几乎为零。女导演兼政治活动家妮可.康恩敏锐地捕捉到了这一事件,历时四年拍摄完成,见证了人类伟大的爱的奇迹!影片参展纽约、费城、华盛顿、芝加哥、洛杉矶、迈阿密等众多电影节,获得广泛关注和好评。 本片收获十二项最佳纪录片大奖! Sometimes the greatest love story is about your very own family. little man is the story of how a micro-preemie brought a family to its knees. When Nicholas is born 100 days early, he weighs only one pound and faces impossible odds for survival. As he struggles for life, so struggle filmmaker Nicole Conn and political activist Gwen Baba to keep their family from disintegrating under the unrelenting stress and chaos of hospitals, emergency medical crises and a crushing blow to trust. little man explores the core of the human spirit as a family realizes that they are capable of enduring what they never thought possible. An unusually honest film. An inspiration. New York Times Conn makes Michael Moore look like an impartial observer. Miami s The Weekly News An edge-of-your-seat, heart-in-your-throat suspense story. Los Angeles Times A testament to family love. People Magazine --Wolfe

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