猫眼电影 > In Defense of a Nation
In Defense of a Nation海报封面图

In Defense of a Nation

1916-02-21丹麦上映 / 12分钟

Eileen Wells is receiving a call from her fiancé, Lieutenant Masters, when her father, General Wells, and her brother, Gordon, who is a Lieutenant, arrive bringing the startling news that war has been declared against their country by the Government of Lieutenant Masters, who is the military attaché to the embassy of the hostile country. General Wells dismisses him from his house as he is now an enemy. Upon departing for his country Lieutenant Masters returns to bid farewell to Eileen, and she gives him a carrier pigeon so that he may communicate with her. Before leaving for the scene of action, the General and Gordon acquiesce to Eileen's desire to serve as a red-cross nurse. An orderly brings to General Wells' headquarters the announcement that the Prince will, at two o'clock the next day, present the colors to the 5th Battery.

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