猫眼电影 > 蓝色多瑙河


Donau - Lebensader Europas
2012-06-14奥地利开播 / 50分钟

From its romantic shores, its wild nature to its baroque art, the fascination of the Danube is inescapable. The contrast between wilderness and civilization is what makes the Danube so unique. As it flows through its various landscapes, it transforms. Influenced by weather and climatic extremes, it is in constant motion. Floods and drought determine life on the great river just as much as the seasons. They influence migration, mating and breeding, as well as hunting and hibernation. Wherever the Danube flows, it impacts nature and people's lives. Never before has the nature of this mighty river, that has helped form the contours of Europe, been captured so exquisitely as in this two-part series. An epic journey of discovery into the continent’s unknown wild lands, see how the river’s famous currents helped sculpt the incredible landscapes, and links them together. Romantic river banks and unspoilt nature – these landscapes flank the Danube River. This comprehensive cinematic portrait of Europe’s second-longest river presents scenes of breathtaking beauty along the banks of the Danube, and investigates the tension between humans and nature, civilisation and wilderness. ) Dams and power stations alternate with sections of natural wilderness along this mighty river, which flows through metropolises such as Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest and untouched natural landscapes like the Danube National Park and the Kopaki Rit. Further south, between the Carpathian mountain range in Romania and the Serbian Ore mountains, the river passes through the so-called Iron Gate, 137 kilometres of Gorges that are among the largest in Europe. The mighty river ends in a unique labyrinth of water, mud and reeds – the Danube delta. It is the last remaining major river delta in Europe and the largest reed bed on earth, used by huge colonies of pelicans, cormorants, sea eagles and spoonbills for breeding and nesting.

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