猫眼电影 > 黄石的圣诞


PBS Nature Christmas in Yellowstone

Christmas in Yellowstone, a breathtaking look at wintertime deep within America’s first national park. Stretching across more than 2.2 million acres of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho is one of the greatest expanses of unspoiled nature and wildlife anywhere on Earth — Yellowstone National Park. Designated America’s first national park in 1872, Yellowstone now receives almost three million visitors each year. Yet only a small fraction of those who glimpse the park’s stunning vistas, geological wonders, and animal residents do so during the winter months, a time when nature’s inhospitality is matched only by its serenity. NATURE follows in the snowy footprints of Yellowstone’s red foxes, spies on the predatory warfare of wolves and elk, and climbs into the den of a grizzly bear that gives birth to two cubs while deep in hibernation. In addition to mesmerizing footage of landscapes and wildlife, trail alongside author and photographer Tom Murphy, who has been coming to Yellowstone for the past 26 winters, camping and photographing amid the silence and solitude of the park. And go behind the scenes with filmmaker Shane Moore to find out how he kept up with Murphy during an at times harrowing trek, reminiscent of the legendary John Colter’s first journey into the park nearly two hundred years ago. 自然系列再次奉献《黄石的圣诞》,将带大家一起去领略美国第一个国家公园——黄石公园深冬里惊人的美景。 黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park)建造于1872年,是美国最大的国立公园。公园跨越蒙大拿(Montana)与爱达荷(Idaho)两州,其规模之大可想而知。 黄石国家公园中有许多间歇喷泉(Geyser)。以山中的湖泊来说,黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake)是美国最大的了。湖被针叶树所围绕,郁郁葱葱,远眺峰顶,则白雪皑皑,景色优美。拥有多处养鱼场,饲养丰腴味美鳟鱼(Bulltrout),乃是露营或钓鱼的好去处。 此外,黄石国家公园像个野生动物的天国,美洲野牛(Bison)、麋鹿(Elk)、北美郊狼(Coyote)等难以数计的野生动物栖息其间。 《黄石的圣诞》将镜头对准特定时间里(圣诞)的一此特定的动物生活场景如红狐、狼、麋鹿、灰熊等。

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