猫眼电影 > Voto más fusil
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Voto más fusil

1971-08-09智利上映 / 86分钟

This film was finished just after the election of Salvador Allende, the only Marxist candidate ever elected in a democratic way in the world. It accomplishes very well to show us the atmosphere that could be felt in those days (personally I was not alive then), where both sides, left and right wing, had their own segmentation: those who felt that the armed way was a solution, and those that believed in a more democratic way. The director declared himself Marxist, and the film is a small window of the processes happening in the left side of politics in Chile just before and after Salvador Allende came to the power. A possible coup was in the air, even 3 years it actually happened. Afer 1973, the director escaped to France, where he made other movies like "llueve sobre Santiago" (it rains over Santiago).

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