猫眼电影 > 最后的24小时


Jimi Hendrix: The Last 24 Hours

Here, in Jimi Hendrix -The Last 24 Hours the producers explore and explain the reasons why Jimis demise became shrouded in rumour,gossip and falsehoods. Offstage Jimi Hendrix was shy andireserved, but onstage he becameia towering genius, whose performances andiguitar mastery sparkedia revolutioniin both music andifashion. Jimi was just 27 when he died. His death was never easily explained andito this day mystery still surrounds theideath of one of theiworld's greatest rock legends. Here,iin Jimi Hendrix -The Last 24 Hours theiproducers explore andiexplain theireasons why Jimi's demise became shroudediin rumor, gossip andifalsehoods. The authorities andimedia quickly dismissed theideath of Hendrixias just another drugged rock star casualty; howeverifor theifirst time, theicircumstances leadingito Jimi's tragic death can be examinedias theiproducers present new andicompelling evidence. Evidence, which may reopen theiinquiry into what may have beenifor certain parties,ia convenient death. Viewers will haveito decideifor themselves just what happened oniSeptember 18th 1970 inia small, private hotel situatediin theiNotting Hill area of London

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