猫眼电影 > 山歌


She Sings
2011丹麦 不丹 Denmark Bhutan上映 / 47分钟

这个非比寻常的关于成长的故事将带领观众踏上一段奇幻的探索之旅,其中不乏与美人鱼的奇遇、神奇的猴子、喝醉的老者和不丹的流行乐。德庆是一个年仅19岁的女孩,她和妈妈还有弟弟住在不丹的首都廷布。她梦想着成为一名出色的歌手,于是她报名参加了不丹电视台举办的歌唱比赛“Druk Super Star”。随着比赛激烈的进行,德庆渐渐发现了她深爱的祖母的故事。祖母和她一样,都是天生的歌者。在德庆探寻自我的过程中,她慢慢揭开了充满祝福与诅咒交锋的家族史里不为人知的阴暗面。 不丹位于喜马拉雅山脉中部,从前是一个封闭的国家,而这部影片是这个国家的第一部实验纪录片。不丹是世界上最晚开通电视的国家,1999年电视才进入不丹人民的生活。十年前,不丹才开始建立起自己的电影产业。这个女孩身上从孩童到长大成人的交叉变化折射出了整个国家从旧社会向现在社会蜕变的历程。 This unusual coming of age story takes us on a journey of discovery with mermaid encounters, magical monkeys, drunken grannies and Bhutanese pop music. Dechen, a 19 year old girl, is living with her mother and little brother in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. Dechen dreams of becoming a successful singer and is selected to be a contestant in the Bhutan TV singing contest Druk Super Star. As the competition evolves, Dechen explores the story of her beloved late grandmother who was a singing talent just like Dechen. In her search for identity, Dechen uncovers the dark history of her family in which blessings and curses stand side by side. The film is the first experimental documentary coming out of this formerly closed country in the midst of the Himalayas. Bhutan was the last country in the world to allow TV in 1999 and has only in the past decade established its own movie industry. The crossover from child to adult in the young girl reflects a country in the middle of a transition between the old and the modern world. 2011丹麦哥本哈根国际纪录片电影节工作坊项目 / DOX:LAB 2011, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, 2011. 卡罗琳•萨沙•戈兹,是出生于法国的丹麦导演。她已经带着她的两部短片Les Amours Perdus' (2005)和Emmalou (2006)参加过不少国际电影节。她毕业于一个独立青年电影人协会super 16,还曾为拉斯•冯•提尔担任过导演助理。她最新的作品有短片及MV作品Show Stopper,这是与加拿大电子音乐家Peaches合作的项目。她的最新力作还有Inside the Mind of a Pervert展览。这个展览通过连续的影像和照片展现了一个已故男人的性幻想。 The French-born Danish award winning film director Caroline Sascha Cogez, has been represented at several international film festivals with her short films 'Les Amours Perdus' (2005) and 'Emmalou' (2006). She is a graduate of the independent association of young filmmakers, Super16, and has worked as assistant director for Lars von Trier. Her latest work includes the short film/music video project 'Show Stopper', with the Canadian electronic musician Peaches, and the exhibition 'Inside the Mind of a Pervert', which explores a deceased man’s erotic fantasies through footage of films and photos. 德庆从2004年就开始创作纪录片。她还在菲律宾国际影视学会教授剪辑课程。就像菲律宾的其他电影人一样,她的创作曾多次得到不丹联合国儿童基金和不丹青年发展基金会这样的国际组织的资助。在她看来,拍摄纪录片是一种分享信息和微小的人性故事、以及意外之外的故事公诸世人的社会手段,而这些信息与故事通常都不为人知。最近,德庆的短片处女作在不丹的Tshechu Beskop短片电影节上首映。 Dechen has been directing, producing and editing documentaries since 2004. She has also taught video editing in the International Academy of Film and TV in Philippines. Like other filmmakers in her home country, she usually makes documentaries funded by international organizations as UNICEF-Bhutan and Youth Development Fund of Bhutan. From her perspective, working within the documentary genre is a social tool to share messages, frame small stories and highlight incidents, which normally would be in the shadow of something else. Dechen recently screened her first short film in Tshechu Beskop short film festival in Bhutan.

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