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Steak (R)evolution

2014-09-25西班牙上映 / 135分钟

Gourmet road trip looking for the best steak in the world. Breeders, farmers, butchers, cooks, historians and business men all around the world (France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Belgium, UK,USA, Canada, Japan, Argentina, Brazil) help us understand the (r)evolution taking place right now and the challenges ahead. 眾多肉類中,牛肉一向最得寵。久而久之,牛扒成了美食的代名詞。 銷魂的焦糖色,代表口感微脆;迷人的粉紅色,代表肉香四溢及軟糯的口感;加上濃厚醬汁,半溶牛油,和滋滋的聲音。吃下去,是幸福的感覺。 一向監製血肉橫飛恐怖驚慄電影的Franck Ribière回歸基本,首次執導一部真正關於肉的電影,找回自己的「comfort food」。他認為,一塊完美的牛扒,廚師的功力只是輔助,上乘的牛肉會為自己發聲。Franck Ribière走遍南美、美加、歐亞,由農場到餐桌,探索牛扒的誕生。捧在手心的每一塊牛肉,都是精緻無瑕的藝術品。每一道脂肪的紋路,都令人雀躍萬分。 吃,本身就是藝術。 Where is the best steak in the world to be found? These days it seems more than ever that the world is populated by foodies, and one particular dish about which everyone remains particular is the classic steak. Film producer and beef lover Franck Ribiere hits the road to seek out the best prime cuts in the world, venturing as far afield as Kobe, Japan and Latin America to sate his appetite. Along the way there is much to learn about cattle rearing and meat preparation, especially how the Japanese pamper their cows before they are taken to market. Whether or not you agree with Ribiere’s conclusion, his odyssey is sure to have your stomach growling.


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