猫眼电影 > 主义下的日常生活


Zycie codzienne
纪录片 / 短片
1976-10西德上映 / 16分钟

Created by the very talented director, Piotr Szulkin of Poland, this film, whose title translates literally into "Everyday Life", is a simple artistic experimental film made early in his career. The film is reminiscent of some of Jean-Luc Godard's early works. In the artistic manner of a director experimenting with filmaking, Szulkin details the basic tedious tasks in the daily life of a man and his wife. From awaking in the morning, to laying down to rest in the evening, the director weaves together scenes of everyday life with diegetic insertions of the time of day, allowing us to empathize with the working class man and his life of mediocrity. This is a decent little short by the director who went onto make some amazing Polish films such as "O-bi, O-ba: The End of Civilization", a story of a post apocalyptic society living underground. But sadly his films have yet to be translated into English (or any other language to my knowledge), so he continues to go unnoticed and unappreciated. This film has no dialogue so it can be enjoyed by all. 7 out of 10.

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