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Full marks to the Danish film industry for the way they support their film education system. Students of the Danish National Film are required to create a half hour short film as their final thesis project, a film that is well backed and guaranteed a theatrical release - a process that requires both directors and producers to walk the project through the entire process from idea to release. And it's obviously working. We've covered a number of this year's graduation projects in recent months and all have looked excellent. Milad Alami's high school shooting drama Nothing Can Touch Me is no exception. The outsider Katrine survives a school shooting and is the only one to see who the shooter is. The hunt for the boy begins, and slowly Katrine realizes that she has more in common with him than any of her other classmates. This is a touchy subject, obviously, and one that has already sparked a certain degree of controversy but Alami looks to be handling the material with a keen eye and high degree of sophistication

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