猫眼电影 > 飞行员之眼:东京


PilotsEYE.tv: Tokio
2009-02-01德国上映 / 90分钟
IMDb 8.6

Fly with Austrian Airlines to the land of the rising sun Perfect weather, average temperatures and a cheerful crew - that's how takes off this time from runway 34 of the Vienna airport VIE. For the first time, a takeoff of a flight is shown from three perspectives - from the cockpit, from a witness' point of view next to the airstrip, and from the tower. A couple of minutes after takeoff Captain Fritz Strahammer, AUA chief pilot and his co-pilots Tarek Siddiqui and Josef Trattner will change from the Vienna air space to Bratislava Control. The manoeuvre to another air space will be repeated a couple of times until the Boeing lands in Tokyo - however always with different dialects. It's a dream flight: calm weather and an amazing sun rise as it can only be seen over the clouds. A highlight that makes astonishing impressions possible, is a coincidental rendezvous over the Russian Taiga with a Lufthansa 747-400, which flies very close underneath the 777.

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