猫眼电影 > 妮宁



Based on Danish newspaper Politiken's extremely popular column 'The Diary of Nynne' and the bestselling novel by the same name, we encounter Nynne in the never ending modern inferno of consumption. The life of Nynne is based on GUCCI bags and Chanel products, carpaccio and countless visits to cafés, loose relationships with men who screams 'good luck!' when they cume, unused memberships to the local gym and a lenient relationship with mixing champagne, white wine, red wine, cognac, gin, tequila and beer. It goes with out saying: Nynne has yet to experience her Kodak moment. But that doesn't throw her - or her cash credit - off balance. 影片的创意是来源于丹麦报刊Politiken极受欢迎的专栏〈Nynne的日记〉和同名畅销小说,称得上是"丹麦版BJ单身日记"。 Nynne沉溺于无止境的摩登消费主义。她生活在GUCCI手袋,Chanel香水系列产品,意大利carpaccio薄肉片的幻梦中。同时她频繁地光临咖啡馆,与叫喊着“祝你好运”的男人随便的关系,有着多的用不完健身房会员证。对香槟,红白酒,白兰地,杜松子酒,特其拉酒,啤酒,她是一概欢迎。不过却对身边追求的男子不置可否。不消说,Nynne还没有找自己的开心一刻。但这并不会使她的心理失衡,也不至于荷包干枯。

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