猫眼电影 > Un Crisantemo estalla en cinco esquinas
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Un Crisantemo estalla en cinco esquinas

Crisantemo estalla en cinco esquinas, Un
1998-05-07阿根廷上映 / 83分钟

丹尼尔-布尔曼是90年代至今最受国际称赞的阿根廷青年导演之一,本片是他的首部长片,获得索契国际电影节评委会FIPRESCI奖。也难怪俄罗斯人会喜欢,这片的影像风格的确与俄罗斯电影颇为相似,比较沉重阴郁一点,与他后来拍的《家庭法则》《失去的拥抱》《等待弥赛亚》等片的风格不太一样。:)4.5/5 Years after a civil war, Erasmo's must face violence once more: His foster mother was murdered. On his way to find the murderer he makes friends with the Jew Saul. Un crisantemo estalla en cinco esquinas (English: A Crysanthemum Bursts in Cincoesquinas) (1998) is an Argentine, Brazilian, French, and Spanish, film, written and directed by Daniel Burman, his first feature film. The picture was produced by Diego Dubcovsky. It features José Luis Alfonzo, Pastora Vega, Martin Kalwill, among others. The story takes place in South America at the turn of the 20th Century. As a child, Erasmo (José Luis Alfonzo) was left with a nurse by his parents, who had to escape a waging civil war. Erasmo is now a grown man. He has lost his parents, and now his foster mother is brutally murdered. He seeks to avenge her death, and the culprit is the landowner and head of state, El Zancudo (Walter Reyno). Erasmo befriends a poor Jew named Saul (Martin Kalwill), who is prepared to help him in his undertaking. Along the way, Erasmo finds allies, adversaries, love, and then Magdalena.

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