猫眼电影 > 剽窃


1999-09-11中国大陆上映 / 103分钟

SYNOPSIS Prison inmate, KANG Yoo-jin kills a guard on patrol, and escapes from prison. The police declare a state-of-emergency, and sets off on a desperate pursuit of KANG who steals into the city to find middleman, MA Do-hyub. Wounded in the course of escaping, KANG eventually breaks into MA's apartment, only to find new owners enjoying their happy marriage. The seemingly sweet home is torn apart as soon as the intruder invades their private world. In the encapsulated interior space, the three sense a change in their relationships. Raped by KANG, the wife is gradually attracted to him while the husband is becoming more isolated. As time passes, the husband begins to suspect her of infidelity with KANG, and writes a scenario for a perfect crime to kill the two lovers, which is plagiarized by his wife. 故事 凶手康育瑾杀死监狱看守,逃跑。警方惊恐地发现紧急救援,并在该国找到他的下落。这个犯罪分子藏在一个大城市,渗入首尔公寓。一个幸福的家庭,其儿子和女儿住在一个巢穴。从那时起,暴露在枪口前面的两对夫妇出现了新的冲突,他们从善恶的道路上脱身而出。三人的大脑游戏开始了。谁是恶人,真正的人是谁?一个痛苦的丈夫写了一个情景。谋杀的场景...但最终妻子剽窃了丈夫的情景。


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