猫眼电影 > 照亮我


电视剧 / 剧情 / 爱情
2021-06-29韩国开播 / 18分钟
IMDb 8.0

Tae Kyung 是一名 18 岁的高中生。他也是一个终生的孤独者。但有一天,他开始质疑自己的判断,并告诉一位老师他不再希望一个人呆着。问题是,他不知道如何开始结交新朋友。老师建议他加屑乎备入学校的学生会。他同意,但发现交朋友可能比这更难似乎。他遇颂只狱阿到了理事会副会长申宇,他冷静冷静,但对他也有些冷淡,不愿接受泰京。然而,他也遇到了超级有魅力的汽充凝理事会主席:大安,他似乎对他一见钟情。大安和泰京似棕厚杠洒乎有恋情的开始,但新宇似乎并不同意。事情变得更加复杂,因为大安的密友——暗恋大安——嫉妒他们的亲密关系,并试图想仔在他们之间制造楔子.~~从手机游戏“Saebit男子中学议会”( 새 빛 남 고 학 생 회 )的第7天( 데 이 세 븐 )改编Tae Kyung is a 18-year-old high school student. He is also a lifelong loner. But one day, he starts questioning his own judgment and tells a teacher that he no longer wishes to be alone. The problem is, he has no idea how to start going about making new friends. The teacher advises him to join the school’s student council. He agrees, but discovers that making friends may be harder than it seems.He meets the Vice President of the council, Shin Woo, who is cool and level-headed, but also somewhat cold toward him and reluctant to accept Tae Kyung. However, he also meets the super-attractive President of the council: Da On, who appears to take an instant shine to him. The beginnings of a romance appear to be in the cards for Da On and Tae Kyung, but Shin Woo does not seem to approve. Matters are further complicated by the fact that Da On’s close female friend –蒸探放 who secretly loves Da On – is jealous of their closeness, and attempts to drive a wedge between them!~~ Adapted from the mobile game “Saebit Boys High School Council" (새빛남고학생회) by Day7 (데이세븐) .


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