猫眼电影 > 疲惫不堪的生活


Shattered Lives
2009美国上映 / 85分钟

Rachel是一个心灵脆弱的小女孩,当她不得不向她的父亲隐瞒母亲的婚外情时,她对父母失去了信心。正当Rachel不知所措时,她的两个小丑玩偶Melo和Lelo向她提出建议:杀掉母亲,救赎她的灵魂。Rachel不久后就照做了,但从此之后,她的精神更加分裂,暴力循环不断发展。(life_is_good@YDY)Her fears and inability to cope with the harsh realities of life becoming so intense that they manifest themselves in an altered state of reality, a schizophrenic girl begins taking orders from a pair of clown dolls who instruct her to murder her adulterous mother. Rachel is a small girl with a fragile mind. Her allegiance to her parents irreparably fractured when she is forced to keep her mother's extramarital affair a secret from her father, Rachel can't figure out how to handle the situation until her clown dolls, Melo and Lelo, offer an unsettling piece of advice: kill your mother and in the process absolve her of the evil that has infected her soul. It doesn't take long for Rachel to act on the grim suggestion, but as she grows up and her psyche becomes more fractured, the cycle of violence continues.

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