猫眼电影 > Chef’s Table – Asma Khan
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Chef’s Table – Asma Khan

2019-02-13柏林国际电影节上映 / 46分钟

在印度,当一个女孩出生时,没有庆祝活动,也没有烟火。古老的嫁妆传统意味着女孩是家庭的负担,而第二个女儿则被认为是一种诅咒。阿斯玛汗一生都在努力摆脱这种耻辱,证明自己作为第二个女儿的价值。她离开印度,搬到英国,为自己创造了新的生活,并获得了法学博士学位。但只有当她学会做饭时,阿斯玛才对自己、她的祖国和她的文化身份有了新的认识。起初,她重新制作了家人严密保护的食谱,以感受到与印度的联系。但这很快发展成在她家举办晚餐俱乐部。阿斯玛最终开通了大吉岭快车,这是一家印度餐馆,现已在伦敦时尚的西区美食市场上建立稳固。她现在和她一直拥有的团队一起工作——厨房里的工作人员都是女性,她们几乎没有专业培训。今天,大吉岭快车是所有女性成长和提升自己的地方。阿斯玛想向全世界展示女孩的价值。她想确保当一个女孩出生时,总会有烟火和庆祝活动。 In India, when a girl is born there are no celebrations, no fireworks. The archaic tradition of the dowry means a girl is a burden to her family – and a second daughter is considered a curse. Asma Khan has spent her life trying to shed this stigma and prove her worth as a second daughter. She left India, moved to the UK, created a new life for herself and attained a PhD in law. But it was only when she learnt to cook that Asma gained new insight into herself, her homeland and her cultural identity. Initially, she recreated her family’s closely guarded recipes to feel a connection with India. But this quickly grew into hosting supper clubs in her home. Asma eventually opened the Darjeeling Express – an Indian restaurant now firmly established in London’s trendy West End food scene. She works today with the same team she always has – a kitchen staffed entirely by women who have little to no professional training. Today, the Darjeeling Express is a place for all women to grow and elevate themselves. Asma wants to show the world the value of girls. She wants to make sure that when a girl is born there will always be fireworks and a celebration.

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