猫眼电影 > 深金


Deep Gold
2014德国上映 / 18分钟

对罗斯费尔德来说,这件作品像一件具有挑衅性的早期女权宣言。将这一阐释作为对《深金》理解的起始点,他的版本展示了一个充满欲望的世界,作品中无所不在的女性性征让懦弱的男主人公感到不知所措。 最初那个为爱情自杀的傻瓜进入了20世纪20年代一个异乎寻常的场景:男主角纵身跳下窗台,在一条烟雾弥漫的街道上逐渐清醒——在这一超现实环境中充斥着酒吧、妓院、妓女、流氓和赤身裸体漫步闲逛的人。他既震惊又困惑,横冲直撞,最终来到了一家名为“深金”的夜总会,那里毫不晦涩的色情演出让他大开眼界,并使他彻底走火入魔。在这家夜总会,当不受行为规范限制的乱交和自由被过分庆祝,来自拘谨压抑的资产阶级世界的男主角,如迷路的陌生人一般,四处游荡。整部影片中,主人公象征了布努埃尔在20世纪早期抨击的受束缚的现代社会。 Rosefeldt interpreted this episode as an early and provocative feminist manifesto. Taking this understanding as a starting point for Deep Gold, his version shows a world full of lust and desire, in which a weak male protagonist becomes overwhelmed by an omnipresent female sexuality. The initial suicide of a fool in love marks the entrance into a bizarre 1920s setting: Rosefeldt's Modot jumps out of the window and awakes in a foggy street – a surrealistic environment rife with bars, brothels, whores, hustlers and naked people strolling around shamelessly. Stunned and confused, he continues his rampage and ends up in a nightclub (Deep Gold), where a lascivious performance widens his eyes and once and for all drives him mad. Promiscuity and freedom from behavioural codes are excessively celebrated at the club, while the protagonist wanders around like a stranger – used to the inhibited bourgeois world he derives from. Throughout the film he embodies a symbol of the constrained modern society Buñuel assaulted in the early twentieth century.

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