猫眼电影 > 喀扎肯:家族备忘录


Kazarken-As We Dig
纪录片 / 奇幻
2016-11-23意大利上映 / 91分钟

一个在土耳其长大的妇女,在古老的安纳托利亚治疗仪式之后,梦想通过个人和集体的记忆片断找到她的道路。在神话人物半人马的指导下, 她在幼发拉底河上游的古罗马医院的废墟和一个山村的街道之间自由穿梭。时间和空间错位, 打开了世界之间的通道。内在的体验转化成诗意的电影,喀扎肯用记忆来对抗对历史的遗忘。 A woman of Turkish ascent, following ancient Anatolian healing rites, dreams her way through fragments of memory, both personal and collective. Guided by a mythological character, Kheiron the Centaur, she travels freely between the ruins of an ancient Roman hospital and the streets of a mountain village, high above the river Euphrates. Time and space become dislocated, opening up passages between worlds. An inner experience translated into a film poem, Kazarken - As We Dig explores memory as a place of struggle against oblivion and the violence of hidden history.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900