猫眼电影 > 荷兰


2019-02-08德国上映 / 154分钟

猖獗的菌丝体罗马尼亚喀尔巴阡山脉上的星空。前两幅图像定义了奥兰达的维度:一方面是细节和精细结构,另一方面是星座和广阔的整体。这部电影围绕着当地的季节性产品蘑菇展开,主要停留在收集蘑菇的人身边,与蘑菇最亲近的人在一起,在森林小径上,在帐篷里,在汽车旅行和交谈中。从这里开始,它像许多根茎一样不断地向外扩展,沿着每一条新的路径,所有这些都与钱有关:与当地和国际商人,与一个清算中的临时鞋市,与同事之间的赌博。这部电影通过一个蘑菇状的结构本身来讲述这些工业周期,而不会一路失去其理论中心。这不仅是对经济结构的分析,也是对蘑菇收集者在森林中日常生活节奏的感性文件,这是供应链中的第一个环节。在电影院里,它变成了一次进入喀尔巴阡山脉神奇世界的视听蘑菇之旅。 A rampant mycelium. A starry sky above Romania’s Carpathian mountains. These first two images define the dimensions of Olanda: Details and fine structures on the one hand, constellations and the vast whole on the other. The film revolves around a seasonal product of the local area – the mushroom – and mainly stays with those who collect it, with the humans to whom it comes closest, on the forest paths, in tents, on car journeys and in conversation. From here, it keeps on branching out like so many rhizomes, following each new pathway, all of which relate to money: to local and international traders, to an improvised shoe market in a clearing, to gambling among colleagues. The film narrates these industrial cycles by taking on a mushroom-like structure itself, without ever losing its theoretical centre along the way. This is not only an analysis of economic structures, but the sensual document of the rhythm of daily life in the forest as experienced by the mushroom collectors, the first link in the supply chain. In the cinema, it becomes an audiovisual mushroom trip into the magical world of the Carpathians.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900