猫眼电影 > 死亡的主人


Le Maitre de la Mort
悬疑 / 奇幻 / 冒险
2016-10-31法国上映 / 45分钟

本片同样为粉丝制作的伏地魔主题短片。根据小说内容还原了这位格林德沃之后最强黑巫师的生平。 In the 1940s, Muggles clashed in a violent world war, but in the world of wizards a much greater threat, hidden in the shadows since its birth, is about to sow fear and death. From the London shallows to the Ministry of Magic, no one knows the name of the evil that rages in the shadows. Elyana Ogden, recently certified auror, is entrusted with an investigation into strange series of murders. She does not suspect that her path will lead her to meet the most dangerous dark lord of all time.

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