懷有身孕的安和男友武在騎車返家的路上慘撞救護車。武目睹陷入昏迷的安遭醫生玷汙,而被割舌噤聲;食人成性的醫生,其秘密實驗室宛如人間煉獄。一場大火,醫生的獨子僥倖生還,武的復仇計畫才正要展開。越南新生代導演首部劇情長片,血肉糢糊、毫無保留呈現惡的質地,試探觀眾道德底線,挑戰視覺極限!嗜血愛腥者切勿過度自信,慎入!(台北電影節手冊) A necrophilic doctor, a man wearing headphones and a bunch of cannibals are just a few of the characters in this bizarre debut by director Lê Bình Giang about the cyclical effect of violence. Be warned, this Vietnamese ‘body horror’ does not have a late evening slot for nothing!
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