猫眼电影 > 英国和欧洲:是富裕还是贫穷?


Britain & Europe: For Richer Or Poorer?

This summer, the UK faces a momentous choice: are we in or out of the European Union? As the vote nears, the BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg tackles the big questions at the heart of the debate: would we be richer or poorer as a nation if we left, and what are the costs and benefits of staying in? She will talk to leading politicians and business big hitters on both sides, and set out to discover what leaving would really mean for trade and jobs, for red tape and the pound in your pocket. She will set out the facts about the UK's contribution to the EU budget as well as the rebate – and she will take the debate to the public about whether we’re better off in or out. The EU referendum is set to shape our future as a nation: this film is your impartial, indispensable guide to a decision which matters to us all.

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