FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman is a new reality game show for kids. Blending live-action and animation, FETCH! revolves around an animated dog named Ruff Ruffman, who develops, produces, and hosts his own reality TV show. Ruff runs the show from his state-of-the-art headquarters, otherwise known as his dog house, and issues wild and wacky real-world challenges to a group of 10-14 year old kid contestants. Each of the 20 new episodes follows the kids (real kids, not actors) as they tackle their challenges-everything from training a cat for a commercial, to staying afloat in a self-made boat, to performing stand-up comedy, to blasting off for a shuttle mission at Space Camp. And true to the reality of reality TV, the kids have NO idea what they're getting into until they're off on their challenges.
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