猫眼电影 > Jerusalems: Le syndrome borderline
Jerusalems: Le syndrome borderline海报封面图

Jerusalems: Le syndrome borderline

1995-12-12荷兰上映 / 65分钟

This iconoclastic film, midway between fiction and documentary, explores the "over-sacred" side of Jerusalem. A political gamble for its inhabitants, a myth for its visitors, Jerusalem remains a universal object of desire that borders on fetishism. The film takes its inspiration from the Jerusalem Syndrome, a psychiatric syndrome, officially recognised in the 19th century, and from which the pilgrims and tourists that visited the Holy City suffered. A camera visits Jerusalem looking for a new approach to show the city. In parallel a young boy wanders the streets and discovers one night a prostitute with golden breasts. The boy, as does the camera, becomes a victim of a violently feminine Jerusalem.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900