娜塔莎·厄本斯卡,Natasha Urbanska for many years trained artistic gymnastics. As a child enrolled in classes at the club Legia Warszawa. For about 10 years to be successful, including Multiple championships in Warsaw. Her coach was Irina Lortkipanidze. In 1991 he came to audition for the musical Metro Studio Buffo Theater, where he was appearing to cheer her friend, but she also stood head to head with other participants in the audition. She passed all stages, but it turned out that she was too young to perform in the theater. After 2 years, appeared on the following qualifications, where she was accepted into the band as a dancer [1]. With time, Natasha decided to improve my view of her voice singing lessons with teachers from the voice and vocal. When actress (Catherine) got sick and could not appear in the musical Metro, Urbanska tried his hand, replacing a colleague. In time, she got a major role in the musical duo Jozefowicz-Stoklosa, where the game change with Sophia and Natalia Srokocz Nowakowska. I still played in all the performances, where he presented a dance and vocal skills. In time, she began getting more and more solos and roles, becoming one of the leading artists of this theater.Natasha Urbanska during the "British Evening" at the theater Studio Buffo Development [edit] Since Natasha Urbanska was one of the assistant director Janusz Jozefowicz jointly prepared a lot of theater and television production in Poland and abroad, including musicals in Roma Musical Theatre - Peter Pan and in the Studio Buffo - Romeo and Juliet, Miss Tootli Putli, Carousel of dreams. Continues to play a major role in the musical Metro Anka. Since August 2007, appeared in television programs, cyclical dance music Combative and Golden Saturday night in TVP1, where she performed in duets such as with Michael York ("Money, money, money ..."), Paul Anka ("Put Your Head On My Shoulder") and Drupim ("Piccola e fragile"), and as a soloist introduced a lot of hits in new arrangements. Natasha has al